Tuesday, November 17, 2015

If you share this you will go to Heaven (if you have put your fatih in Jesus)

A click, share or Like will have no effect on your relationship with God, your righteousness or right standing with Him or your eternal future!

We all have a sin problem that is insurmountable without Divine intervention - we all miss the mark of God's perfection. It matters not how good you act or that your parents or anyone else have a good relationship with God because your problem with sin is personal and "they" can never make you perfect.
Only Jesus can do that by applying His payment for sin to you!

Quit relying on wishing or thinking or believing in something you did like walking an isle or praying some prayer. Believe in Jesus for it is by Grace through Faith alone that you can be forgiven and brought into a right relationship with God. (Ephesians 2:8-10)
Jesus, who never sinned, was made by God the Father to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him; in Jesus we have God's righteousness or perfection. (2 Corinthians 5:21) 

Don't tell me what you have done good, because it only takes one time of not putting God first for you to be a sinner. All of us are! (Romans 3:23) Once you are no longer perfect, you become imperfect and in need of a Savior. The ONLY one who can do that is Jesus as He is THE way, THE truth and THE life! (John 14:15)

So, quit "wishing and hoping" and give your life to God and receive the life of Jesus; He will give you a new life (2 Corinthians 5:17) let you love Him and be used by Him to do good things and help people and obey Him as you go about growing Spiritually and helping others grow too. "Go therefore and make disciples..." (Matthew 28:19)

Doing any of these things good or bad has no affect on if Jesus loves you.
God loves you because of who He is.
God wants you to believe.
Believe and become a child of God who is forgiven.
Don't try to get better to come to God - come as you are!
He loves you, not what you have or have not done and He wants to forgive you.
Believe or Trust in Jesus and be forgiven; be saved...

THEN, cooperate with God as He changes you and lets you begin experiencing all you are and have in Jesus! "be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect." (Romans 12:2)

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Free to love & obey Jesus

We have all done or thought things we regret or are ashamed of, but on the cross Jesus paid for all sin.
As Christians it is time to quit trying to deal with what Jesus paid for and learn how to live in the "Promised Land"; the place where if you listen to God the work, the thing to do and the victory are all His. Only obedience is our responsibility.
If we have our Ai and try to do things on our own or rebel, we can confess it and get back to walking with God in VICTORY!

In the story of your life,
are there some pages you would not want read?
Give your life to Jesus & all of that will be
covered by the
blood He shed in your place.
It is done with once you believe!
Forget it or use it to help others but
never again live under the guilt of “it”!